
PBA is honored to receive gifts made in memory of individuals who have passed away. Donors may make a gift in memory at any time, using the “给现在” links below. For information on other ways to give in memory, visit the “如何给予” link to the left. 请务必注意,这份礼物是为了纪念,并列出你希望纪念的人的名字. Some donors wish to mention PBA in their obituary. 建议使用的语言示例如下:

这是(姓名)的愿望,捐赠给十大赌博网站,而不是鲜花. 要在网上安全地进行捐赠,请访问4000803308.com/giving. To give over the phone, please contact Lisa Aaron, Gift Services Manager, at 561.803.2007.

我们非常感谢那些希望以这种特殊方式支持PBA的捐赠者,并希望向家人提供最新的纪念礼物. 请拨打561与我们的开发团队联系.803.2777 or development@4000803308.com


为了纪念周二去世的艾米·巴克,巴克家族设立了艾米·巴克纪念奖学金, 1月17日, 2006, 43岁时. 艾米·巴克纪念奖学金支持每学期超过所需工作时数的学生. Amy graduated from Palm Beach Gardens High School in 1980, 然后是佛罗里达大西洋大学. She was a lifelong member of First Baptist Church in 西十大赌博网站. Amy worked as an accountant for several local businesses, and she was also a member of the U.S. 在海军预备役服役超过14年, 曾担任二等士官, Photographer’s Mate with the Patrol Squadron Six Two (VP-62). You can contribute to the 艾米·巴克纪念奖学金 基金在下面给出的链接.


马修E. 贝内特和本杰明·西格尔纪念奖学金

马修E. Bennett and Benjamin Siegel graduated from different universities with different majors. Matt, a 2009 PBA Music major and gifted guitar player, was a worshipper.  Ben, a 2011 Rowan University Communication student, had his sights set on the mission field.  Both loved the Lord and went on to be with Him after tragic, sudden deaths.  还有他们对上帝的爱, another thing these young men had in common was the close friendship of their mothers, Dr. 斯蒂芬妮·贝内特和雷夫. Maria Siegel, who were college roommates and close friends for 50 years. This scholarship is awarded to a rising Sophomore, 初级, 或传媒专业的高年级学生,对主表现出同样的心,渴望看到他的国度蓬勃发展.




保罗·C. 布雷默捐赠奖学金

保罗·C. Bremer served the Palm Beach community for more than 50 years. Bremer grew up and received his education in Palm Beach County, going on to work as a Certified Public Accountant for many years. He was very involved in many civic and charitable activities as an officer and board member. 他还与几个非营利组织合作,提供他的专业知识和财政支持. Paul had a special relationship with 十大赌博网站, hiring accounting interns and helping students find employment locally. To honor his memory, Paul’s friends established the 保罗·C. 布雷默捐赠奖学金 for Accounting 专业. This scholarship provides financial assistance to PBA students, 也被称为“布雷默十大赌博网站”,保持会计职业的最高道德标准,并在公共或私营部门从事会计工作.



Jennifer Criss graduated from PBA with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology in 1995. 她和年鉴的工作人员有关系, 指导委员会, and with the children’s ministry at Northwood Baptist Church. 毕业后, 她在亚特兰大的触碰事工工作, 格鲁吉亚担任计算机培训师和主任行政助理,直到1999年7月患上一种罕见的皮肤病. She battled the disease until her passing on June 1, 2000, at the age of 26. 詹妮弗的祖父, 卡尔层, was a member of the Board of Trustees at Palm Beach Atlantic College, 还有她的母亲, Carlene Stewart established this scholarship to honor Jennifer’s memory.



约翰P. Greene—life trustee at 十大赌博网站—and his wife, 咪咪格林, 慷慨地建立了 伊莎贝拉·雷·格林纪念护理奖学金 in memory of their beloved granddaughter Isabella Rae Greene. 贝拉24岁时因一种罕见的血液疾病去世,当时她正在学习成为一名护士. She was a natural, genuine caregiver, which made her an outstanding nursing student. Bella’s family remembers her for her sense of adventure, infectious personality, kind heart, & 温暖的微笑打动了她遇到的每一个人. Through the 伊莎贝拉·雷·格林纪念护理奖学金, 格林夫妇的目标是支持那些, 像贝拉, aspire to make a positive impact on the world by offering compassionate care as nurses.



芭芭拉曼奇尼凯利加入了PBA的劳埃德L. 2003年11月在格里高利药学院担任该项目的创始管理者和教员. She served as Assistant Dean of Students and 学术 Affairs from 2003 until 2010. 2010年至2016年, Professor Kelly transitioned out of administration and back into a full-time faculty role. 在此期间, 她开发了服务学习选修课,也就是今天的健康与健康教练. 2016年至2021年, 凯利教授获得了高级副教授的头衔,在那里她继续从事药学项目. In 2022, 凯利教授决定退休, and she was given the prestigious title of Associate Professor Emerita of Pharmacy Practice. While she assumed various roles in the pharmacy program, 她将以顾问的身份被人们铭记, 导师, 同事, 是基督里的姐妹. 以表彰她的贡献, 为了纪念她的影响, 按照她的意愿, the Kelly family has established the Barbara Mancini Kelly Endowed Scholarship. 为纪念凯利教授而制作的礼物将直接帮助PBA药学专业的第一代大学生.



校友, 约瑟夫·托马斯03年和克里斯汀·瓦恩·托马斯02年, 于2月3日设立此奖学金, 2016, 表彰那些在十大赌博网站读书期间自己打工养活自己的学生. 乔在整个大学期间都在工作以养活自己——这是一段形成性的经历,为他的职业生涯奠定了坚实的基础. 该奖学金旨在为PBA学生提供有类似经历的机会. In 2017, 为了纪念克里斯的祖父,托马斯夫妇将这项奖学金更名为比尔·马斯拉奖学金, who was the son of Slovakian immigrants and an embodiment of the American dream. 比尔开始了多项事业, 他的努力工作和企业家精神激励着克里西和乔去冒险,去实现伟大的梦想. 这项奖学金通过帮助其他有进取心的青年男女支付学费来纪念他.


Jerms McGraw第二次机会奖学金

为了纪念你.S. 海军陆战队. 2日Lt. Jeremiah McGraw ' 09 ORM, 十大赌博网站校友会设立了詹斯·麦格劳第二次机会奖学金. 他的昵称是“杰姆斯”. McGraw was a student in the MacArthur School of 领导 at PBA, while serving as a Marine reservist in 西十大赌博网站. Lt. 麦格劳于9月10日去世. 10, 2009, at age 22, during a training exercise in Central Florida while serving his country. 就在他死前. McGraw had earned a bachelor’s degree in organizational management from PBA. 他的父亲蒂姆·麦格劳(Tim McGraw)说:“杰姆斯以愿意随时随地帮助任何人而闻名。. “和他的心保持一致, 换句话说,我们指示将这项奖学金颁发给那些在生活中遇到重大挫折、需要帮助以重新开始的学生, 需要第二次机会的学生.”


Dr. 劳埃德·米姆斯音乐会系列

Dr. Lloyd Mims leaves behind an especially impactful legacy at 十大赌博网站. 在PBA的23年里, 他的影响力从担任杰出音乐教授到担任PBA交响乐团总监, 音乐与美术学院院长. 2018年,他被任命为名誉院长. Dr. Mims dedicated his life to investing in music and music education. Among many other roles teaching music and performing worldwide, he was a national officer with the National Association of Teachers of Singing. 他和他的妻子,玛丽莲,深入参与皇家波因恰纳教堂的合唱团超过20年. Dr. 鲍勃·沙伦慷慨地建立了. 劳埃德·米姆斯音乐会系列作为纪念他的遗产每年在十大赌博网站.


克劳德·H. 瑞亚音乐艺术家捐赠基金

Dr. 克劳德·H. 土卫五, 谁在9月19日去世了, 1990, 1982年至1990年担任十大赌博网站大西洋学院第四任校长,并因其通过音乐见证基督教而享誉国际. 他对十大赌博网站的杰出贡献引领了林克校区的发展和新学术项目的创建. 密苏里人, he was a graduate of William Jewell College in Liberty, 密苏里州, 后来,他在佛罗里达州立大学获得了音乐博士学位,并在密苏里大学和哥伦比亚大学完成了额外的研究生学习.


画L. 史密斯三世奖学基金

德鲁·L. Smith III Memorial Scholarship, generously established by Sally A. Smith, honors the memory of Drew Smith, her stepson, who passed away on February 22, 2017. 德鲁去世时是一名优秀的学生,在十大赌博网站攻读商学学位. 大学认识到莎莉对PBA学生未来几代人的承诺,以纪念德鲁·L. 史密斯三世.




詹姆斯·H. 斯维克数学奖

Upon Professor Karen Swick’s retirement from PBA in 2002, 哈佛大学设立了凯伦·斯维克奖,以表彰她20年来作为数学教授的贡献. 夫人. Swick received numerous honors and awards for her teaching. 作为一名数学教育家,她丰富的职业生涯还包括在众多董事会服务的无数小时, 委员会, 和委员会, 以及在教师会议上发言, 在PBA担任志愿数学导师,并担任当地中小学科学和数学博览会的评委. In 2006, Karen’s son James Swick joined PBA as a professor of mathematics. James, known to most as Jim, quickly became a beloved professor at PBA. Like his mother, Jim received multiple awards for his teaching throughout his career. Swick教授在PBA工作了十多年,指导和影响了无数的学生. Upon Jim’s passing in 2023, the scholarship was renamed to honor his memory and legacy.



Joel and Cindy House lost their daughter, Sarah White to cancer in 2008 at the age of 34. She left behind a loving husband and 3 beautiful young daughters. 她的姐姐Rachel (House) Eshelman于2001年从PBA毕业,并萌生了以她姐姐的名字设立奖学金的想法. 这项奖学金是由乔尔和辛迪·豪斯于2017年设立的,旨在通过帮助那些也在处理失去父母的问题并证明有经济需要的学生参加十大赌博网站来纪念莎拉.
